The ability to make an impact in business and lives

Are you looking to develop your personal, educational, or professional skills?

Meticulon supports employment solutions for people who are neurodiverse or living with disabilities

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Improve your employability

MAS is a highly customizable web-based app made for people with autism and/or disability to develop personal, career, and educational skills. Think of MAS as a gentle roadmap to success that’s made just for you.

The Great EQualizer Project
launches in Alberta!


Met-U is our vision for Canada’s first nation-wide remote training center for people with autism and/or disabilities. We’re creating a trial and learn model because it’s no longer about pass or fail. Our solutions are here to support your success however that looks for you.

Employer Partners

Navigate and take full advantage of the cultural and financial benefits of becoming a neurodivergent-inclusive business.

Business Inclusion Network

We have created the Business Inclusion Network page for like-minded businesses to connect, peer-to-peer, and generate a hub for inclusive employment knowledge sharing and mentorship.

MAS is a roadmap tailored to your unique needs so you can move from where you are to where you want to be.

Our Impact

Our unique process and services support employers and  candidates with diverse abilities through every step of recruitment, onboarding and beyond.

Our Partners

Connect with us to learn more

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