Our Journey

Since opening our doors in 2013, with the support of the Sinneave Family Foundation, we have created hundreds of employment opportunities for autistic individuals – and we’re just getting started.  

In 2017, we created MAS, a person-centered tool and assessment process that evaluates the employment readiness of people with diverse abilities. Our ground-breaking tool prepares participants for their first employment experiences, and also, supports their skill development as they continue to build their careers. We’re currently adapting MAS 1.0 to become a full client management and life skills building SaaS (Software as a Service) tool. We believe MAS will be the most unique and effective tool-of-its-kind. 

In the future, we’re going to launch Meticulon University. Met-U is a natural extension of what we’re doing with MAS: helping people with diverse abilities learn work skills that they need to develop meaningful careers. It is our mission to show the business world that with the right person equipped with the right skills in the right role for them, you will receive your desired results.  

At Meticulon, we recognize and have seen the value of people over processes and abilities over labels. We believe that to make a change – you have to be the change. 

Seamless Support Project

Meticulon Consulting Inc., is thrilled to collaborate and partner with Autism Society of Alberta on its latest Alberta-wide employment initiative, the Seamless Support Project. 

The integration of our cutting-edge Meticulon Assessment Service (MAS) toolkit adds an innovative dimension to the project, facilitating the engagement of youth and adults throughout the province as they strive to achieve their employment goals. Our shared objective is to actively connect with and empower 200 individuals with autism and other neurodiversities.

The Seamless Support Project will support individuals who:

  • Identify as neurodiverse or as an individual with a disability.

  • Have many employable skills but struggle to move beyond the first interview.

  • Want support to achieve their career goals.

  • Want access to employment, volunteer, and/or mentorship opportunities.


For more information or to connect with Autism Society of Alberta to participate in the Seamless Support Project, head to https://autismalberta.ca/the-seamless-support-project/.