
Welcome to our Employer Page

Here you will find information about Meticulon Consulting (Meticulon), our services and what it means to be an employer partner. We will also share information about diverse abilities and how your organization can benefit from employing this untapped workforce.

What are diverse abilities?

They refer to the unique potential in every person and recognizes that everyone experiences and interacts in the world in different ways based on their physical, cognitive, developmental, learning and neurological ability levels.

Who is Meticulon?

Meticulon is a businessfocused consultant that provides inclusion training and employment solutions to businesses while building pathways to employment for individuals with diverse abilities.

Who is an employer partner?

An employer partner of Meticulon is a socially conscious business invested in creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace for all employees.


How do our services benefit businesses?

Meticulon’s services provide businesses with diversity, equity, and inclusion training and education, as well as tailored recruitment services, coaching and mentorship if an employment match is identified.

How a different way of hiring could financially benefit your business.

* University of Waterloo’s Report on Accessibility and businesses who have adopted a formal policy on inclusion

as likely to meet or exceed financial targets
as likely to be high-performing
more likely to be innovative and agile
more likely to achieve better business outcomes


Meticulon’s unique process identifies candidates who have skills specifically required by employers and
provides inclusion training to businesses.

Step 1

Get in touch today to have a conversation and book inclusion training.

Step 2

Participate in our diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training and join our Business Inclusion Network.

Step 3

Implement new DEI processes that are compatible with your business, evaluate internal job vacancies and connect with Meticulon to identify potential candidates.

 Step 4

If an employment match is identified, Meticulon will provide employer partners training, coaching and mentorship for candidates, staff, managers and executives.


Our services are currently covered by bursary funding we have received and will be accessible to employer partners free of cost for a limited time. Costs vary based on the size of your company—let’s talk!
Initial Inclusion Training: $XX Human Resources Support: $XX
Secondary Inclusion Training: $XX Employee Coaching: $XX
Employer Self-assessment (NIMA): $XX Employer Coaching: $XX
Meticulon is here to help and available to answer your questions at any step of the process. Send us a note or give us a call today!