Invisible Disabilities Week 2023

It is Invisible Disabilities Week which brings awareness, education and support to family members, friends, and co-workers who have a condition that affects their day-to-day life and isn’t outwardly obvious.

In honour of Invisible Disabilities Week, we wanted to share ways employers can support employees with invisible disabilities in the workplace during recruitment and retention:

  • Keep job postings direct and concise, and supply an overview of specific work conditions.
  • Offer interview accommodations to applicants and invite them to reach out prior to the interview.
  • Foster a welcoming environment for new employees and include them in decisions and social activities.
  • Promote workplace diversity awareness and education for all staff.
  • Use clear and simple language to give clear instructions and limit the use of slang.
  • Create a space for open communication regarding accommodations, preferences, expectations and challenges for all employees.

To learn more about Invisible Disabilities Week visit,

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